This week was one of the rare weeks during which I get mail every day. I actually can't remember the last time such a good mail week happened. Too bad it happens just during an exam period. Now I have a huge pile of letters waiting to be replied...
So, on Monday I got two letters from Estonia and Netherlands, both of them including a tea bag but I've already drunk them, hehe
Tuesday was a day off in France, so the mailman (or the mail lady, it's a women who delivers the mail in my area) didn't come.
Wednesday brought a letter from Lise, along with a postcard from Nordland, a region in Northern Norway, where she lives, and two teabags (this time I managed to take the pic before drinking them)
Ksenia's long letter came on Thursday. I found the envelope so cute :) And she also enclosed a tea bag! Haha, my penpals all know about my love for tea ;)
And today (Friday) my mailbox has been fed with a letter from Shelby, my new penpal from the USA. The only letter of the week without a tea bag, hehe.
My pile of letters to reply is 10 letters high at the moment. Urgh D: Yet I'm not expecting so much mail next week (I just know there's a letter from Lithuania on my way, and maybe a letter from Holland, too), so the pile should stop growing. Not that I'm complaining about getting mail, not at all, but it's stressing when you've such a big pile of letters to reply and so little time because of studies.
Anyways, at the beginning of the week I took some days off from studying (I guess I deserved a break after being done with the first and main part of my exams), and I managed to write two letters:
The first one is to Marie in Germany. Be prepared for lots of pages, dear ;)
And this orange envelope goes to the lovely Annalise in England:
And now, let's go back to studies! Once I'll be done with all my exams I won't have a crazy party with alcohol, cigarettes and such as a lot of my classmates are planning to have, but a letter writing party! Much more fun, believe me! :D