jeudi 16 février 2012

Mailbox's happiness

My dearest and beloved mailbox was super happy today: it had been feed with three letters! I've rarely got so much in once O.o So this is what I can call happiness, both for mailbox and for me |3

Now let's have a look on what's inside...

First, two of these letters are from my Polish penpal, Zuzanna. One contained a really cute Valentine's Day card (I told you Valentine's Day is not only for lovers, but for friends too XD)
The other envelop contained the actual letter, plus a little gift :3 Knowing my great weakness for Scandinavian mythology (and for Scandinavia in general~), Zuzanna sent me a booklet about trolls (unfortunately in Italian, so I can't understand, and she could not translate for me -.-"), but anyway, how nice!
Look at all these funny creatures! *_*

Last (but not least) letter came from Lithuania. First letter from my new Lithuanian pal, Almante.
Look at the very creative way she folded her letter:
 Aaand, she included few teabags too, that I'll try as soon as... today! XD Yes, I'm a tea addict and I drink way too much of it, but who cares? ;)

3 commentaires:

  1. So nice! *w* Awww I will prepare a tea right now hahaha! *Q*

  2. Weee, my mail :))) I just saw the stamp and air mail sticker used o.O I'll go to that post office more often and buy stamps there xD

  3. that is just toooo exciting!!! I'm JEALOUS!!!


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