vendredi 28 mars 2014

Hey, it's me again!

Hello there, everyone!

Wow, it's been such a looooooooooong time since I last logged in and posted something on this blog! Actually, I had given up snail mail blogging in favor of book blogging (I've run a book blog in French for one year now and I totally love it), but I lately realized that I was missing mail blogging, too. So, here I am again!

However, I won't keep up with "Me my mail and I". I had a lovely journey with this blog but this time is over now, I need something new. That's why I started a new blog : Enjoy the Silence. This time I decided to give Wordpress a try, I'm not as familiar with it as I am with Blogger, but hopefully soon I'll be an expert and can make something nice out of this platform.

The name I chose for the new blog isn't mail related because although I will mostly talk about mail on it, it won't be a "mail only" blog. I'll write one post per week (every Friday) about either letters, or books, or music... well basically anything I'd like to share with you that particular week.

I hope to see you soon on this new blog!

(To visit Enjoy the Silence, just click on the picture below :) )
Enjoy the Silence

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